• Soul Retrieval work, particularly important for animal companions who have experienced trauma or abuse, animals grieving loss of a beloved human or animal, etc.   Your animal companion, with your permission, decides if this work is important for them.

  • Your Animal's preferences regarding diet, lifestyle, as well as their unique perspective in regard to adding another companion animal, etc.

  • Talking with Animals in Spirit, those that have died

  • Helping lost Animals return home

  • Communication with wild animals

  • Behavioral issues

  • Your animal's dreams for themselves, as well as their dreams for you!

As a trained, Intuitive Animal Communicator and Shamanic Practitioner, my areas of focus and expertise, in working with my clients and their animals, include:

Death and Dying Process

When an animal is in extreme pain, with poor prognosis, it can be out of our hands, so to speak, regarding the decision to euthanize. But, there is much to consider around this.   When the situation is not critical, but impending, our animal, as well as wild animals, can help, by telling us their Right timing.  Our companion animals can decide for themselves, in a conversation with you and me.   After our session, sometimes it is helpful to check back in with your animal family member, as end of life nears, which I offer at no extra charge.  End of life decisions, going into the death process, our animals have great wisdom for us.